Our troop utilizes an online program for tracking your scouts progress. The program is called etrailtoeagle.com. This program allows every parent and leader to have access to your scouts progress. The program also allows the tracking of the LDS Duty to God program.
The online program allows for 24/7 access to your scouts records. You can also have an automatic report sent to you on a weekly, twice a month basis, or on monthly basis. The report will nearly eliminate your need to access the system and give you an accurate picture to your scouts progress on his Trail to Eagle.
The program has been used since September of 2006 and we are very happy in how effective and efficient the program has made the tracking our our troop records. If you need access or help on using this program, please contact Adam Jones and he will help you out.
Scout Advancement Resources
Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook - PDF
Eagle Scout Rank Application - PDF
Adult Awards
The training awards and keys are designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, training, and performance in their leadership roles. Progress record forms with the 2012 requirements for these awards can be found at the links below.
Scouters Training Award - PDF
Scoutmaster's Key Award - PDF
Unit Leader Award of Merit
The Unit Leader Award of Merit replaces the Scoutmaster, Varsity Team Coach, and Venturing Crew Advisor award of merit programs. This new recognition has revised requirements and may be earned by Cubmasters as well.