Sunday, November 20, 2011

Black Friday Scout Deals

The biggest shopping day of the year is coming up quickly. So I thought I would share a few deals that I have found that you may find to be great Christmas ideas for your scout this Christmas. They are coming from a few different websites. I have provided the details of where I have found them and a link if possible to the deal online. Check them out now.

Eagle Claw Fishing Pole: Originally $19.99 - Sale $9.99
Find this deal at Sports Authority. See their Black Friday Ad page 4.
Bonus deal on this page is a camp chair for $6.49.

Princeton Tec Headlamp: $10.00 (Rumor)
Find this at Sports Authority.
Saw this rumor deal on I didn't see it in the Sports Authority ads on their website. I will post more info if I find it.

Crestridge Internal Frame Pack: $49.95
This great buy is found at Emergency Essentials. The pack has 6,000 cubic inch storage, adjustable waist, sleeping back compartment and includes a rain cover which is a near essential when you hike in Utah's Uinta

Twin Peaks Mountain Trail Tent: $35.99
This great buy is also found at Emergency Essentials. The Twin Peak Mountain Trails Tent has a 7' x 7' base and can sleep 3-4 people. Find this great buy online as well.

Don't forget to check out the sleeping bag deal I posted on Friday November 18th. The Suisse Sport Alpine sleeping bag at $34.95 is a spectacular deal for a 5 degree sleeping bag.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Great Price on a Backpacking Sleeping Bag

I came across a great deal on a sleeping bag that would be great for camping and more importantly for backpacking. The bag weighs in at 5 lbs and have a cold rating of +5 degrees. Although it's not the most ideal weight for backpacking, the price really makes it a great deal. The bag comes in at an amazing price of only $34.95. This deal and other are found at Emergency Essential. Check it out now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

2011 Court of Honor

We had a great court of honor tonight. We had approximately 100 merit badges awarded and 25 rank advancements. Our scouts have been busy the last few months and all the leaders are proud of the progress and success that our scouts have made. We had four rank advancements that were for the Life rank advancement. The troop has three scouts that have completed their Eagle Project and have earned all the required merit badges. They will be submitting their paperwork for Eagle very soon.